"title","category","description","url" "A Number From the Ghost","VR Collection","Explore your way through these dream-like music videos.","https://www.anumberfromtheghost.com/" "Finger Paint VR","VR Collection","Playful finger painting in VR","https://fingerpaint.fern.solutions/" "Prehistoric Domain","VR Collection","Explore the past and learn about life long before we walked the Earth.","https://www.prehistoricdomain.com/" "Paleo California","VR Collection","Take a trip into Paleolithic California with a dubious time travel device.","https://www.paleoca.com/" "The Escape Artist","VR Collection","An immersive escape room with interesting puzzles and excellent writing.","https://esc.art/" "Wol","MR Collection","A mixed reality experience where an adorable owl named Wol will teach you about a Redwood Forest.","https://meetwol.com/" "Project Flowerbed","VR Collection","Relax and get some time to yourself in this beautiful gardening sim.","https://flowerbed.metademolab.com/" "Synesthetic Screamatorium","VR Collection","Paint the walls by screaming! ","https://www.einarsen.no/screamatorium/" "Superhero Comics","VR Collection","Step into an amazing virtual comic book store!","https://wearevr.com/superherocomics/" "Above Par-Adowski","VR Collection","Play a round if mini golf in this paranormal playground.","https://aboveparadowski.com/" "Get off my lawn!","VR Collection","Those pesky neighborhood kids are trying to trash your lawn. Grab the garden hose and defend your landscaping.","https://constructarcade.com/game/get-off-my-lawn/" "Magical Reflections","VR Archive","A virtual gallery featuring the works of Johann Erdmann Hummel. ","https://www.magische-spiegelungen.de/" "CHAOS by Christophe Bruchansky","VR Collection","""Let your mind err in CHAOS"" is the artists entreaty as you enter this psychedelic black hole with orbiting strobing origami.","https://immersions.art/chaos/" "mr NOT – enough IS enough","VR Collection","What is this spooky world and who is that? What do they want from YOU?","https://constructarcade.com/game/enough-is-enough/" "AnVRopomotron","VR Collection","A virtual museum of biological anthropology and archaeology.","https://www.anvropomotron.com/" "Worlds Demolisher","AR Collection","Add a new dimension to the classic brick-breaking genre. Available in VR and AR.","https://worldsdemolisher.totalviz.com/" "RogueSaber","VR Collection","Defend yourself against training drones by wielding a RogueSaber. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about a blast shield. ","https://roguesaber.rvdleun.com/" "Life XR","VR Collection","An immersive version of Conway's Game of Life.","https://brianpeiris.github.io/life-xr/" "DualiTower","AR Collection","A simple block-matching tower-building game. How tall can you build your tower?","https://de-panther.itch.io/dualitower" "Castle Builder","AR Collection","This delightful experience is as playful as it seems. Jump in and create your castle.","https://castle.needle.tools/" "Atomic City","VR Archive","Sometimes we need an abstract venue for those big conversations about those big topics.","https://hubs.mozilla.com/scenes/o4N9Pjk/atomic-city" "OnBoardXR","VR Collection","Jump into the world of storytelling with these live immersive theater productions. Check the box office for upcoming shows.","https://onboardxr.live/" "Obscura by Third Axis","AR Collection","Obscura is an exploratory and surreal immersive experience made to twist your sense of gravity, time, and scale.","https://obscura.world/" "ViRTC","VR Collection","The web-powered Virtual Desktop for the Oculus Quest","https://virtc.app/" "Project Origami: The Magic of Flight","VR Collection","An immersive education experience about the phenomenon of flight while also exploring a potential future of education.","https://liquidcinemavr.com/fly/" "Dune Avatar","AR Collection","Create your own custom 3D Dune Avatar, view it in AR, and share it with friends.","https://dune-avatar.com/#" "Storage Space 13","VR Collection","Step inside Storage Space 13 to solve puzzles using a classic block-pushing mechanic with a VR twist.","https://constructarcade.com/game/storage-space-13/" "THE GALACTIC ASTEROID CLEANUP 1 WAY TICKET LAST RESORT TOP SECRET MISSION","VR Collection","Yes, that really is the name of the game. This Asteroids throwback combines elements of the original game play with and endless runner mechanic, resulting in a surprisingly chill experience.","https://js13kgames.com/entries/the-galactic-asteroid-cleanup-1-way-ticket-last-resort-top-secret-mission" "RollAR Coaster","AR Collection","Build your own RollAR Coaster on any surface that your smartphone can detect. Create your own waypoints to shape the coaster to your liking.","https://ada.is/rollAR-coaster/" "Ski Fit 365","VR Collection","An impressive VR Ski simulator that really pours on the speed. Can you rise to the top of the leaderboard?","https://constructarcade.com/game/ski-fit-365/" "Avoid the Dark","VR Collection","Fly fast and avoid crashing in this apo­ca­lyptic cityscape. Another fun game from Construct Arcade.","https://constructarcade.com/game/avoid-the-dark/" "RAW Emotion Unites US","VR Archive","A series of short immersive experiences presented by the International Paralympics Committee.","https://raw-emotions.phoria.com.au/experience.html" "Mescolato","VR Archive","Take a few minutes away from your day to clear your mind in this meditative experience.","https://elia-ducceschi.itch.io/mescolato" "Virtual Screen on the Green","VR Archive","The 2021 Short Film Festival presented by PBS in VR.","https://vr.pbs.org/" "Three Body","VR Archive","An interactive story based on the sci-fi novel Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu. This experience has some incredible environmental design.","https://codercat.tk/three-body/" "SENS VR","VR Archive","A VR Graphic Novel where you play as a man lost in a strange maze of arrows. Use clues from the environment to find your way through three chapters of this empty but gorgeous world.","https://sens.arte.tv/webvr/" "Mars in 3-D (Orbix360)","VR Archive","Check out these amazing 3D photos of the surface of Mars.","https://orbix360.com/t/5oZyONMbH5QmLKBvkhIo9nSkBa12/6711976688353280" "UniVirtual Experience LiDAR Lab","VR Archive","Check out this Hubs scene to learn everything you need to know to get started with LiDAR scanning.","https://hubs.mozilla.com/EQLxATy/univirtual-experience-lidar-lab" "Blue Cyber VR","VR Collection","A Sci-Fi VR web series exploring the story of a massive invasion of Locusts across the Galaxy. They've been stopped for now but could soon pose a threat to everyone.","https://www.bluecybervr.com/" "Medieval Fantasy Book","VR Archive","Remix this Medieval Fantasy environment for Mozilla Hubs to create your own themed event.","https://hubs.mozilla.com/scenes/c2Q964W/medieval-fantasy-book" "Archery Training","VR Collection","Hone your VR archery skills in this simple training game. Archery Training includes several difficulty levels and a time survival mode.","https://constructarcade.com/game/archery-training/" "GTFO","VR Archive","This incredibly fast-paced bullet hell shooter will keep you moving. Fight your way through one-hundred intense levels to make your way out.","https://tyrovr.com/gtfo/" "Brushwork VR","VR Archive","Lose yourself in this elegant virtual painting experience while you let your creativity flow from brush to canvas.","https://brushworkvr.com/" "BUBB Virtual Gallery","VR Archive","An expansive virtual gallery displaying work from the talented artist Luke Bubb.","https://lukebubb.com/" "Outdoor Festival Hub","VR Archive","Create your own summer festival with this fantastic new template for Mozilla Hubs.","https://hubs.mozilla.com/scenes/Rpt8DJS/outdoor-festival" "Plockle","VR Collection","A 3D puzzle game with a simple yet challenging game mechanic. It has sixteen levels with more planned over time.","https://plockle.com/" "Dying to Find","VR Collection","This bleak industrial landscape echoes with the routines of a lost civilization. Explore this monochrome world to find your way out.","https://codercat.tk/dying-to-find/" "Vartiste","VR Collection","Vartiste is a powerful art creation tool for 2D drawing and image editing.","https://vartiste.xyz/" "Ma","VR Collection","Immerse yourself in negative space while exploring the Japanese concept of Ma in this art gallery in the desert.","https://codercat.tk/ma/" "Fit’n Punch XR","VR Collection","Fit'n Punch XR is a fun and silly fast-paced boxing game.","https://daydev.itch.io/xrpunch" "The Field","VR Archive","The Field is an immersive experience by WSJ Custom Events that tells the story of our world on pause during the global pandemic of 2020.","https://customvr.wsjbarrons.com/lobby/landing" "OASIS Art Hubs","VR Archive","OASIS, ""A physical-digital nexus"", is hosting several Hubs displaying art along a number of themes.","https://oasis.art/" "vrland","VR Collection","vrland is an experimental immersive social space with a distinct cyber-minimal aesthetic.","https://vrland.io/" "FRAME","VR Collection","FRAME is a platform where you can create immersive spaces (called frames) in which you can work and play.","https://learn.framevr.io/" "Silk Brush","VR Collection","An immersive web port of the popular–and now open source–Tilt Brush.","https://msub2.github.io/silk-brush/" "Construct Chess","VR Collection","It's Chess. In VR. What more do you need to know?","https://constructarcade.com/game/construct-chess/" "What You Don’t Know","VR Collection","Become the center of a small universe in this interactive musical experience.","https://www.with.in/watch/what-you-dont-know" "XR Dinosaurs","AR Archive","Check out these adorable friendly dinosaurs in VR and AR.","https://www.xrdinosaurs.com/" "Back to Space","VR Collection","The nostalgia is strong in this immersive blast from the past. Back to Space is a fantastic VR twist on a vector graphic classic.","https://constructarcade.com/game/back-to-space/game/" "Moon Rider","VR Collection","An incredibly fun rhythm game with multiple play modes and a massive catalog of songs.","https://moonrider.xyz/" "The National Museum of Computing","VR Collection","Explore The National Museum of Computing in the United Kingdom in this immersive 3D capture. Teleport around the exhibits while learning about this foundational technology.","https://go.matterport.com/destinations.html#the-national-museum-of-computing" "Destination: Everywhere by Matterport","VR Collection","Explore this massive collection of places captured in 3D by creators all over the world.","https://go.matterport.com/destinations.html" "Don’t leave ‘em hanging","VR Collection","Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. Dish out as many high fives and fist bumps as you can and don't leave 'em hanging.","https://heyvr.io/game/dont-leave-em-hanging" "The POLYS WebXR Awards","VR Collection","The POLYS is an awards show for the creators who build immersive websites. Check out the 2021 winners and remember to check back February 2022 for the next show.","https://webxrawards.com/" "Gridlz","VR Archive","In this silly game you must avoid the Gridlz, blocky creatures that live underground. You wondered into their world, and they are not pleased to see you. Avoid them by moving around your play space but be careful not to fall.","https://gridlz.com/game/" "VR Whiteboard","VR Collection","The name says it all. Use a whiteboard to sketch your ideas and notes. Share room codes with friends to collaborate on a board.","https://whiteboard-vr.herokuapp.com/index.html" "An HTTP Story","VR Collection","In this web-themed game you can help a data packet named Zyra get to their destination by solving puzzles.","https://js13kgames.com/entries/an-http-story" "Museum of the Fossilized Internet","VR Collection","A small museum that serves as an indictment of the state of the Internet in the year 2020.","https://hubs.mozilla.com/yenzhCn/museum-of-the-fossilized-internet/" "Mozilla Hubs","VR Archive","Mozilla Hubs is a platform to create and share immersive spaces that you can visit in VR or on desktop and mobile devices.","https://hubs.mozilla.com/" "Powder","VR Collection","Experience a state of calm through motion while traveling down this infinite mountainside.","https://tyrovr.com/powder/" "Exit","VR Collection","In this game your task is to guide your little friends to the exit, using simple tools to change their course.","https://constructarcade.com/game/exit/" "Cadenza!!","VR Collection","A VR rhythm game that is simple to learn but hard to master.","https://cadenzavr.com/" "ROVR RUN","VR Archive","Remote control rover anyone? In this minigame you can drive an adorable little rover.","https://8w.8thwall.app/rovr-run/" "XR Koi Garden","VR Archive","Take a few minutes for yourself to visit this small world populated only by Koi.","https://ada.is/xrgarden/" "Ned Snow","VR Collection","In this short game you are tasked with finding Ned Snow. Make your way though a series of mazes while avoiding the gaze of the surveillance robots.","https://js13kgames.com/games/ned-snow/index.html" "Red Ocean","VR Archive","This may or may not remind you of a certain anime.","https://followthedarkside.github.io/webvr-threejs-red-ocean/" "Boids 3D Flocking Sim","VR Archive","A classic computer flocking algorithm presented in VR.","https://lapin-bleu.net/webxr4" "Dust Devil","VR Collection","Want to ride a giant sand worm in VR?","https://tyrovr.com/dust-devil/"